Palaeanthropical Physiognomy

At first glance, the photos comprising this series look like simple sandwich pictures. On looking closer, however, we gradually notice that these works must have been created in some other way. In reality, this part of Gerhard Lang's physiognomic studies involves a projection technique that allows him to project directly onto human faces. The resulting hybrid beings exist only for a matter of seconds. Lang records them with photography and 16mm film.

See also Work: Palaeantropical Physiognomy. Identikit Photographs from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)

Lang uses a slightly different projection technique in his work on landscape. See Work: New Reports from the Countryside. Gerhard Lang’s Landscape Performances with Slide Projectors

Ill. I: Fridmana Christ, projection, 1992

Ill. II: Unknown, projection, 1992

Ill. III: Unknown, projection, 1992




Gerhard Lang © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn